Modern and Contemporary Gallery 170, First Floor
Main Building
Architect Richard Gluckman.
Architect Richard Gluckman, principal of Gluckman Mayner Architects, has been responsible for some of the most critically acclaimed museum designs and renovations of the last decade, including the new Picasso Museum in Malaga, Spain, the Mori Art Museum in Tokyo, the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh (1994), and renovations of the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York (1998). As architect for the renovation and addition to the museum’s landmark Ruth and Raymond G. Perelman Building, Gluckman is designing significant new exhibition space, including galleries for photography, costume and textiles, and modern and contemporary design, and a spectacular day-lit gallery. The Perelman Building will contain centers for the study of the museum’s important and extensive collections of prints, drawings, and photographs and costume and textiles, an expanded Library and Archives, and a new Educational Resource Center. This installation, sponsored by Collab: The Group for Modern and Contemporary Design at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, focuses on Gluckman’s work in progress for the Perelman Building.
Modern and Contemporary Gallery 170, First Floor
Main Building
Kathryn B. Hiesinger, Curator of European Decorative Arts after 1700