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Authentic: Truth and Perception in Chinese Art

September 25, 2021–July 3, 2022

What does it mean for a work of art to be “authentic,” and what are we able to learn from this? In China, looking to the past is a way of learning and an act of homage. Finding that an object reinterprets one made earlier does not mean it is less valuable.


Through a close look at a selection of works from the collection, explore the act of copying from the Chinese artistic perspective, and learn how attitudes toward authenticity are nuanced and culturally specific. Discover the intention behind the creation of a work while closely examining motifs and details, and compare contemporary views on authenticity with those of the past.


Objects include rock crystal carvings made for European and American taste, enamel-decorated porcelain vases and bowls, luminous glazed ceramics, and prints about the Sino-Japanese War (1894–95) offering differing viewpoints on the conflict.

Main Building


Authentic: Truth and Perception in Chinese Art is made possible by The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Global.


Hiromi Kinoshita, Hannah L. and J. Welles Henderson Curator of Chinese Art

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